
Opticstar eyepieces with up to 82° apparent field of view, zoom eyepieces, telextenders and barlows.

Meade eyepieces rank among the best in the market. Plus barlow lenses, star diagonals, prisms and viewfinders.

Replacement parts for Meade telescopes.

Imaging accessories for DSLR photography as well as for specialised astronomy cameras.

Accessories to add autoguider support to your telescope for long exposure astrophotography.

Power any Meade telescope with a portable power supply unit or a standard UK household electrical outlet.

Imaging optical filters to attach to the barrel of your eyepieces or imaging cameras.

More adapters to attach accessories to your telescope.

Various accessories for Meade telescopes.

Meade Instruments is known for its groundbreaking leaps in telescopic design, having introduced dozens of improvements over the years that have made amateur astronomy easier to access and more enjoyable than ever.

Optical tube assemblies without a mount or tripod. Meade's premium optics come as standard.

Telescope mounts without optical tube assemblies (OTA). Handbox controller included.

Dedicated astronomy cameras to capture images of the solar system and beyond. These cameras attach to your telescope's eyepiece position and send the captured data to a computer via a USB cable.

Cooled deep sky cameras, planetary cameras and guide cameras, controlled from your PC.

Reduce exposure times with an appropriate focal reducer for your telescope or attach a secondary telescope for auto-guiding. Achieve fine focus with a micorfocuser by controling it from your telescope's handbox controller.

Control your telescope with an AudioStar or AutoStar handbox controller, computer, smartphone or tablet.