Last April, Meade launched the spring promotion in the UK that was intended to last to the end of May. However, due to popular demand the promotion has been extended into the summer months and it has now been re-labelled the summer promotion.
Line up
This is good news for those considering the purchase of a Meade telescope that is part of this promotion. The range of telescopes on offer include the LS ACF (LightSwitch) series, LX90 ACF series, LX200 ACF series up to 12” aperture. All these telescopes feature outstanding quality optics, the best in their class and a wealth of other features.
Gem among the stars
Among these large, impressive telescopes there is also a little gem that is included in this promotion; the StarNavigator 90.
This impressive starter telescope comprises of a 90mm achromatic refractor optical tube, a single arm robotic mount (DS-2000 series), tripod and an AutoStar handbox controller. The aperture of this telescope is large enough to observe the Moon and the planets.
The Moon will always look impressive and the planets will reveal a lot of detail including the rings of Saturn and the Cassini Division, Jupiter and its belts, the red spot and so on.
It is also possible to observe some of the brighter deep sky objects. More detail will be visible from a dark site.

Meade StarNavigator 90.
Value and performance
Meade telescopes have always been the easiest telescopes on the market to setup partly thanks to the AutoStar handbox. Star alignment is simple and quick. But probably the most impressive part of the package is the price. Due to the summer promotion it now costs just £215 (normally £285). This is unmatched value for money. A higher quality telescope against any competing offering and at the lowest price too!
If you are considering the purchase of a new starter telescope there has never been a better time.
Related topics:
news, promotion, StarNavigator, DS-2000, LX90, LX200