A review of the LPI-G Colour camera has been published in the July 2017 issue of BBC Sky at Night magazine. The LPI-G is a planetary, lunar and solar imaging camera.
Caution: for solar imaging the camera must be used with a dedicated solar telescope.

Meade LPI-G camera review in Sky at Night magazine.
Planetary Imaging
The LPI-G is attached to a computer via a USB port and it is entirely operated through its bundled software. The camera has a built-in frame buffer (memory) to ensure that it does not drop frames when operated at high speeds. For planetary imaging, the camera can operate at a maximum resolution of 1280 x 960 pixels at 28 frames per second. Supported computer operating systems include Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X and Linux.
The LPI-G can operate as an auto-guide camera when used with a Windows based computer through the ASCOM software platform. An auto-guide cable is included with the camera. The auto-guide cable is attached to the telescope’s auto-guide port (ST4-type) on one side and on the camera on the other side.
Please note that if you wish to use the LPI-G with a Meade LX90 telescope, the Meade Auto-guider Port Module (SKU: 07509) is required. The port module is plugged into the telescope’s auxiliary port enabling it to be used as an auto-guide port.

Meade LPI-G cameras.
Related topics:
news, LPI-G, Sky at Night