
14 June 2016 (updated: 24 September 2018)

Often we have been asked to explain the difference between the various Meade handbox controllers to people who wish to replace...

11 June 2016

Currently there is a UK government petition in progress to introduce legislation to combat light pollution.

08 June 2016

Last April, Meade launched the spring promotion in the UK that was intended to last to the end of May.

01 June 2016

There is a new advertisement that has appeared in two British magazines. It promotes the Coronado solar telescopes. The advert appears in Astronomy Now and Sky at Night magazines.

27 May 2016

The European Southern Observatory has issued the largest contract in land based astronomy to build the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) dome and telescope.

18 May 2016 (updated: 03 November 2018)

The news section provides updates on Meade related topics in the United Kingdom.

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